The 15 Most Powerful Reasons We Adore Apache Helicopters

The Apache helicopter doesn’t just look mean, it really is badass – which is why we’re happy it belongs to us and not the enemy. The Apache…

A F-4 Phantom II pilot remembers an exhilarating test flight at Mach 2.

‘There it is! Mach 2.0, twice the speed of sound. I could go on, Mach 2.4 is probably within reach,’ Ed Cobleigh, former F-4 Pilot. The McDonnell…

Why the F-15EX Fighter from Boeing is now “unstoppable”

Eᥒgiᥒe Coᥒtraᴄt Showѕ F-15EX iѕ Here to Stay: Critiᴄѕ of the F-15EX have poiᥒted out that moᥒey ѕpeᥒt oᥒ the 4th-geᥒeratioᥒ, ᥒoᥒ-ѕtealth fighter, ѕhould ƅe re-programmed aᥒd…

Belgian draft horse gives birth to beautiful rare twin foals

Giving birth to twins is unusual in the horse world. The occurrence of healthy twin births in draft horses is even rarer. Against all odds, this stunning…

During archaeological excavations from the 1880s, an anthropologist discovers a 7-meter-tall human skeleton with horns.

A March 22 Facebook post claiming archaeologists dug up human skeletons 7-feet tall with horned skulls in Pennsylvania accrued more than 1,000 shares in two days. “During…

Dinosaur-Eating Galloping Crocodiles Once Existed in the Sahara Desert

Believe it or not, but 100 million years ago the area of the present-day scorching hot Sahara Desert was a lush swamp home not just to dinosaurs,…

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