Get ready for the ultimate speed experience: Unveiling the tһгіɩɩіпɡ secrets of the Eterea Concept 58 knots 40m

Centouno Navi, a yacht manufacturer based in Viareggio, has disclosed additional information about its 40-meter concept Eterea, which will be capable of Ьгeаtһtаkіпɡ top speeds of 58 knots.

The vessel is an evolution of Marco Arnaboldi’s 2014 concept, which was inspired “by the ɡгасe and efficiency of marine animals” and a “deѕігe to have a continuous relationship with the sea”.


Eterea has a beam of 8.8 meters and a large aft deck at water level with foldable bulwarks, allowing for intimate contact with the water and more storage space. This includes a variety of toys, a nine-meter-long tender, and a pickleball court, if the proprietor so chooses.

Additionally, the owner’s cabin has been designed to open directly onto the aft area, enhancing this uninterrupted connection with nature.


Manuela Lucchesi, the founder of the yacht brand, explained: “The owner will be able to choose the layout on board according to their needs, with up to five guest cabins and four for the crew, but adhering to specific instructions: in particular, the position of the owner’s cabin and the decks arranged on different levels.”

Lucchesi added, “All of these solutions are intended to maximize privacy.”


The interiors were designed by the Massimo Marzorati-led Milanese firm Grandi Architetture and Partners.

Eterea has a range of over 500 nautical miles thanks to its four MTU engines and MJP water turbines. A “quieter” three-engine variant with a top speed of 48 miles is also in the works.

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